Sunday, February 24, 2013

On Trend: French manicure... with a twist!

So it's no secret that I'm obsessed with nail polish. I really love to experiment with new colors, so when I saw this new trend fill up my pinterest, I knew I'd have to eventually give it a try.

 I normally don't go for designs on my nails, and I almost never go for a french manicure, so this was a stretch even for me. But I really liked the playfullness of the colored french manicure, so I decided to go for it - despite the judgement from some of my friends. I chose coral and gold for my colors. I've been on a major gold kick lately, so that was a no-brainer. The coral came out of nowhere. I just really liked it (hot and spicy by OPI). So here's how mine turned out...

All of my friends I've shown this to have pretty much laughed at me, but I like how it turned out. Needless to say, this trend has not hit Cleveland, MS. But if/when it does, I'll be the one laughing. After all, it's just nail polish. Why not have a little fun with it?

What do you think about this trend? Is it fabulous, ghetto-fabulous, or just plain ghetto??


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