About me...

Hey y'all! This blog has been years in the making. Driven by my love of writing and my need to obsess over the things I love (family, friends, travel, art, fashion, photography, etc.) and my daily adventures as a journalist, I decided to bite the proverbial bullet and just launch already. There was just one thing stopping me: what in the heck am I going to call this thing? After lots and lots of name ideas that were already taken, I thought of For the Love of JET. For those of you wondering where the JET comes from, my oh so clever parents blessed me with the coolest initials ever, in my opinion at least, when they named me Jordan Elizabeth Thomas. So this is my life and all the fabulous things I love. I hope you enjoy!

Other things you should probably know about me:

  • Traveling will always be my first love
  • Depending on who you ask, I have either terrible taste in music or fabulous taste in music
  • Speaking of music... nothing beats a live show
  • I like to think if I was ever given a reality show, it would be a hit!
  • I know everyone says this, but I have the BEST friends in the world.
  • My family is cooler than yours is.
  • Halloween is my favorite holiday, followed closely by Christmas
  • I consider myself a jack of all trades, but a master of none