Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Rice for days

Hi all!
It's been awhile since I've written on here, and I won't bore you with all my excuses. Instead, I'm going to treat you to a recipe! In an effort to be more frugal, one of my New Year's Resolutions is to cook more at home. Because of my hectic schedule and social tendencies, it's so easy to just pick up some takeout or go to dinner with my friends.

I was scrolling through Pinterest the other day and came across an article I had already pinned: 51 Healthy Weeknight Dinners That'll Make You Feel Great. I don't ever remember reading it so I followed the link. It took me to the ever-trusty Buzzfeed. Seeing as how I stalk Buzzfeed on a daily basis, I have no idea how I missed this article.

It gave some great ideas and even categorized the recipes into categories such as "When you want fish..." and "When you need noodles..." I came across a recipe that made me do a double take: Edamame and Veggie Fried Rice. I followed the link for the recipe and found an AMAZING blog called Poor Girl Eats Well. She has all kinds of tips on how to make it when you're running low on funds. She even includes how much each recipe costs per serving. (This one is only 65 cents a serving!!)

Tonight I gave it a try, and I was very pleased with the results. Check out the recipe below reposted from Poor Girl Eats Well:

*Disclaimer: This is the picture from the original post and the Buzzfeed article. I did not photograph mine!

Edamame & Veggie Fried Brown Rice (makes 4-6 servings; total cost per serving: $0.65)

1-2 T cooking oil
1/3 c chopped yellow onion
2 c cooked brown rice (preferably day old) -
Mine was not day old, and it turned out fine!
1 c frozen shelled edamame
1 1/2 c frozen mixed veggies (I used the Asian Stir Fry blend in mine, but regular mixed veggies also work) - I used a Spring Mix that included carrots, asparagus, and squash - Delicious!
3 large eggs, scrambled
2-3 T low-sodium soy sauce
1/3 c chopped green onions
1.   Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium high heat.  Add the chopped onion and cook quickly, until fragrant and slightly translucent.  Add the cooked brown rice and cook for about 1-2 minutes, then add the edamame and other frozen veggies.  Cook until the veggies are thawed.
2.  Add the fried egg and soy sauce and mix together well.   Finally, add the chopped green onions and fold them into the rice gently.  Garnish with extra chopped scallions and soy sauce, serve with your favorite protein or on its own, and enjoy!

I think next time I make this, I'll try adding either shrimp or chicken to it, but it was great on it's own. Also, this recipe makes a TON. I'll be having leftovers for a few days, but it was so good I don't mind! I will definitely be trying more of PGEW's recipes in the future, and one day I hope to master her $25 Shopping Cart!

Check out the original post here.
