Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy New Year!

Hola amigos! I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and a fabulous New Year! It's been awhile since I've posted so I'm going to attempt to catch you up on my Holiday season. So I'll start before Christmas....

My friend Rhonda and I left Cleveland one weekend to visit our friend Jennie in Natchez. Jennie just bought the cutest house, and it's decorated so adorable. While in Natchez we went to a Christmas Party for the Natchez Garden Club. It was in a beautiful old house in downtown Natchez. After the party we went to dinner with her parents and then out. We had such a great time! This was my first visit to Natchez, and I've got to say I feel in love with the charming town. Jennie took us on a tour to see the sites of Natchez. We saw all of the beautiful Antebellum homes, St. Mary's Basilica, the old cemetary, and we went over the bridge across the MS River. We went to Fat Mama's and had the BEST tamales ever! Here are some pictures from my visit:
This restaurant... we didn't eat there, but it was worth a trip just for the picture.  I think it was called Mammy's.

This fabulous house...

Me and Jennie at Bowie's

Rhonda, Jennie and Me at the Natchez Garden Party

I had a great Christmas Break catching up with family and friends. Both my sister and I had nice long breaks, so we got to spend some quality time in Grenada hanging out with the parents and Mimi. For Christmas Eve, we went to Oxford to our Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Tammy's to celebrate Christmas with my Mom's side of the family. There is never a dull moment with the Bruno family. I think this picture accurately sums it up.
Uncle Jimmy really knows how to ruin a picture!

On Christmas Day, we went to our Uncle Brent and Aunt Angie's house to spend time with the Thomas clan. I have three adorable younger girl cousins who are at the funniest age! They were all three so excited about all their presents, and both Campbell and Catherine even texted me from their iPod touches to show me some of their gifts. The day after Christmas, I headed back to Cleveland to host Trivia at Hey Joe's. My parents, my grandmother, and my cousin Brooke decided to come with me to check it out. Even though they didn't win they still had a great time and finally got to see what all the fuss was about.

I celebrated New Year's in Cleveland this year with one of my favorite bands, Blue Mother Tupelo! Jennie and Kate both came to town, and we headed to Airport Grocery to ring in the New Year! We had a blast, even though we knew no one else there. It was all worth it though because Jennie and I got autographed posters!

So good to see Katie!

Of course we got our picture with BMT... and later they let me play the tambourine!

I went back to work for two short days before I packed up again and headed to Birmingham to cheer on the Ole Miss Rebels in the BBVA Compass Bowl. That Friday night was my sister's 23rd birthday, so we organized a little birthday celebration at Tavern on the Summit with her friends. The next day we headed to Legion Field to watch the Rebels stomp all over Pitt! My aunt, uncle, and cousin also made the trip. It was a great weekend despite a little rain and some trouble with waiting in line for the buses. That night I met up with Margaret and Julie at Tin Roof. I was so excited to see them! I miss my college friends so much!
Ellen's birthday! We surprised her by getting the waitress to sing Happy Birthday! Emily is looking on adoringly/creepily!

Our make-shift cooler for pre-game. They kept referring to it as their Alabama cooler!

Me, Ranger and Ellen

Family before the game!

Me and Jo at the Game!

This guy's fabulous jacket!!

Ellen's third and final birthday cake at Cheesecake Factory. It fell mid-picture!

Well I think that pretty much sums up the last month of my life! I hope your Holidays were as wonderful as mine!