Monday, December 3, 2012

I think I'll go to Boston...

Well hello friends! 

Last week, I had the opportunity to go to Boston for a conference. Did I mention how fabulous my job is? Anyway, the conference, hosted by CASE, was for Publications Professionals in Higher Education. The first thing I learned was I am officially a nerd when it comes to publishing. I was excited to attend all the different sessions and learn from the best in the business, and being in Boston was an added bonus!

I first went to Boston when I was 17 on a family vacation. I remember my sister and I being super annoyed because our parents wouldn't take us to the beach. We thought it was going to be some lame family vacay with lame tourist stops - man oh man were we wrong. Boston was the beginning of my love affair with travel. I had never been anywhere like it before, and as soon as we landed in MS, I wanted to go back! Eight years later, I got that chance.

I landed in Boston Tuesday afternoon, and I called up my cousin Bobby. We met at a pub called Beantown Pub on Park Street. It was great to catch up with him, play pool, and choose ridiculous choices for the juke box (Britney Spears anyone?).

Wednesday after the conference ended for the day, I headed to the North End to meet up with my old friend Scott Hays. It's hard to believe we've known each other for 10 years! Anyway we went to one of his favorite restaurants Pomodora. It was the cutest little locally owned Italian restaurant, and the food was fabulous! Afterwards we headed to Brasserie Jo's for drinks. It was great catching up with him and getting to see his city.

Thursday, we had a long lunch break, so I took the shuttle, along with some other women from the conference to Harvard Square. It was one of the things I didn't get to do last time I was in the city, so it was a must see. The area was very busy and there were lots of great shops and restaurants. I had lunch at Mr. Bartley's Burger Cottage, a recommendation from Scott, and I sat at the bar and made friends with the bartender. I couldn't stop laughing at all his comments about the different people in the restaurant. He pointed out that there were a lot of "characters" in the area, and that he was on a first name basis with a hobo on the corner. There were lots of homeless people in the area with various signs. My favorite one read: "Got to get to Cali before I freeze my baaaaalllllllllsss off!" With a little time before I had to catch the shuttle back, I strolled along the Harvard campus wondering what it would be like to be a student there.


I made sure to hit Newbury Street that afternoon for a little shopping. No trip to the city would be complete without some much needed time spent at H&M! That night Bobby and I went to a bar called Scholars for a beer. It was a really cool place that had a dance floor downstairs and pool tables upstairs. Friday, our conference ended at noon. I went with one of the girls I had met at the conference to Faneuil Hall to get a Lobster Roll at the Walrus and the Carpenter. Then we headed to the North End to a jewelry store called High Gear. She goes every time she visits Boston and buys lots of great affordable jewelry. It was perfect! I got an awesome necklace and some great earrings. I'll definitely being going on my next visit. Before I headed back, I had to walk down to Mike's Pastry Shop and get a canoli. It was as good as I remember from last time - maybe better!

I left the 30 degree weather wearing a hat, scarf, and gloves, and when I landed in Memphis it was in the 60s. Talk about a shock! 

If you're headed to Boston anytime check out some of my favorites:
Duck Tours I know it seems cheesy, but it really is a great way to see the city
The Freedom Trail This is a must-do! There is so much history in Boston, and this is the perfect way to see it.
North End - Ah Little Italy, my favorite part of the city

Have you been to Boston? If so, what were some of your favorites?

Happy Travels friends!